We lease medical equipments to hospitals and work together on a profit sharing basis

  1. We buy and lease healthcare assets to Hospitals, which means we can help you when others won’t. While other financial institutions use the asset as principal security, leasing from us you are not required any additional security.
  2. We Purchase assets that are new or part way through their life, which means you can access funds for your hospital, even after you’ve acquired the equipment you need.
  3. We purchase Healthcare equipment for you and lease it out to you over a period of 10 years, which means your organisation avoids upfront costs and smooths out its cash outlays.
  4. We invest our capital in transactions, which makes your ongoing success important to us. For this reason, we offer dedicated support throughout a transaction and for the full term of the agreement.


Our vision is to create a better every-day life for people of Indonesia and beyond by supporting and working with hospitals.



Ashmark Investments Indonesia mission is to empower every medical facility with the advanced medical technology in the most sustainable investment and to specialize in Lowering operational expenses of Hospitals and reduce the cost of patient care while increasing patient satisfaction. Thus, leading every facility in providing holistic care.

Contact Us

Ashmark Investments Indonesia

World Trade Center 5 level 3A Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 29 - 31 Jakarta 12920

